Project-related conflict management is highly recommendable, particularly for larger projects in the construction and real estate industry, in infrastructure and plant construction.
Project-related conflict management serves to identify and deal with potential conflicts at an early stage. This enables the resolution of conflicts before they escalate. This preventive effect is typically achieved by involving a neutral person who is regularly available throughout the course of the project, whether in jour fixe meetings or on an ad hoc basis when a conflict arises. In this respect it is less decisive who mandates this neutral person. This can be done by several contract partners together, or by one contract partner (e.g. the principal) who wishes to facilitate the implementation of the project to the best possible extent. What is decisive is the structure of the mandate and whether the conflict manager credibly fills his role and is acknowledged by all parties as a neutral intermediary.
The project-related conflict management can be tailored to the concrete project - every need can be met within a range from relatively lean to very intensive. Enterprises may still be unaccustomed to providing a budget for preventive measures regarding not yet noticeable conflicts. However, experience shows that large-scale projects are always susceptible to disputes.The positive effects and the long-term saving potential are so significant that project-related conflict management systems turn out to be a good investment in almost all cases.