Conciliation is a confidential procedure in which the parties seek a mutually agreeable dispute resolution with the support of a neutral conciliator.
The major difference from mediation is that the conciliator can develop suggestions for dispute resolutions and present them to the parties. These suggestions, however, are non-binding, so that that parties keep control of the outcome of the procedure every step of the way. When we conduct conciliation procedures, the parties' autonomy is of primary importance to me. Therefore, in conciliations we provide suggestions only upon request of all parties. In our capacity as conciliators, we place great value that this corresponds to the wishes of the parties at the time when a suggestion should be put forward. Also in conciliation procedures, the best solutions are those which the parties themselves developed in a process moderated by the conciliator.
Depending on the case and mandate our range of services involves the role of a conciliator or party representative.
As conciliators we are neutral intermediaries in commercial law conflicts. Conciliations also take place especially when a case has been brought before our partner Andreas May in his capacity as an officially recognised conciliator. These conciliation procedures are conducted in compliance with his Rules of Conciliation. However, conciliation procedures can also be initiated without formal application for conciliation, if the parties have already upon conclusion of a contract or in a concrete case of conflict agreed on the performance of a conciliation procedure.
We also advise and accompany clients in conciliation procedures as one party's representative . Based on our qualification as mediating lawyers and the experience gained in the course of our own activities as conciliators, we can represent clients in conciliation proceedings in a competent and goal-oriented manner.